Family Resources
Story Book Child Care & Preschool has created this landing zone of resources for families to reference when they need guidance or ideas for their families. Here you can find resources in reference to Child Development, Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Breastfeeding help to name a few. New resources are added weekly, so check back often.
Healthy Child Care Iowa Newsletters
Healthy Child Care Iowa supports the Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC) program. CCNC's are registered nurses who are experts in child health, child care, and child safety. CCNC's assist and support child care and early education providers to meet Iowa and national health and safety standards by providing on-site (and virtual) visits, technical assistance, training and care planning for children with special health needs. Providers may call or send questions to a CCNC about health and safety policies, health records, health resources and specific child health or safety concerns.
Services provided by Child Care Nurse Consultants (CCNC) are FREE to providers in Iowa.
For more information on Healthy Child Care Iowa or to contact a Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC), visit the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services website here.

Go NapSacc Articles for Families
Go NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) is a suite of online tools that help child care providers improve the health of young children through practices, policies, and environments that instill habits supporting life-long health and well-being. Go NAPSACC is an update and expansion of NAPSACC, a policy and environmental intervention that is highly regarded within the public health community and used by many states to support healthy eating and physical activity in young children. It is used by technical assistance professionals to support obesity prevention practices in early care and education (ECE) programs.

Screen Time Resources for Families
Story Book's policy on screen time:
Following NAEYC standards of best practice, when used intentionally and appropriately, technology and interactive media are effective tools to support learning and development for children over the age of 2. Children under the age of 2 are prohibited any screen time
No tablets, phones, or gaming devices are used by children
To enhance learning, short, age-appropriate video clips may be used no more than once a week (under 15 minutes in length). Teaching staff will prescreen the selection to be certain the content is relevant and meaningful to classroom learning. These videos may be on YouTube, from our local library, or found through other learning sites such as PBS Kids, Sesame Street in Communities, or National Geographic, for example.
All multimedia must have a rating of “G” or “E” for children under 5; “PG” is allowed for school-aged children.
Technology may also be used for music and movement activities
Children are not required to participate in screen time activities. An alternate activity must always be provided.
Parents will be notified of any multimedia used in the classroom via a post on our classroom management app or email.
Screen time is usually only offered during a long stretch of inclement weather days or as a part of a unit of study. For example, after a week of learning about farming, children may watch a short video about the day in the life of a farmer.
Children are limited to a specified amount of time per week they may use or view multimedia
Under 2 years old: 0 minutes/week
2 year olds: Maximum 20 minutes/week
3 and 4 year olds: Maximum 30 minutes/week
School-aged: Maximum 1 movie/month or 30 minutes/week